【3/22(月)】2020年度東京大学ピアサポートルーム活動報告会〜オンラインでも元気に活動してます~ 開催のお知らせ

(English below)
活動報告会では、NPOあなたのいばしょ理事長、慶應義塾大学総合政策学部生の大空幸星氏と、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任教授、全国こども食堂支援センター・むすびえ理事長の湯浅 誠氏をお招きします。大空さんの講演とピアサポーターによる今年度の活動報告の後、ゲストとピアサポーターとの討論や質疑応答を行います。ぜひご参加ください。
1. 開会の挨拶
2. NPOあなたのいばしょ 大空幸星氏の講演
3. ピアサポートルーム紹介,活動報告
4. シンポジウム(大空氏、湯浅氏からのコメント・ピアサポーターと討論)
5. フロアトーク
6. 主催者挨拶

大空 幸星 Koki OZORA

湯浅 誠 Makoto YUASA
著書に、『子どもが増えた! 人口増・税収増の自治体経営』(泉房穂氏との共著、光文社新書、2019年)、『「なんとかする」子どもの貧困』(角川新書、2017年)、『ヒーローを待っていても世界は変わらない』(朝日新聞出版、2012年)、『反貧困』(岩波新書、2008年、第8回大佛次郎論壇賞、第14回平和・協同ジャーナリスト基金賞受賞)、『貧困についてとことん考えてみた』(茂木健一郎と共著、NHK出版、2010年)など多数。
May 22nd (Monday) : The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room Activity Report Meeting 2020 ~We’re doing Fine, even when we’re Online!~
The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room has been holding various activities throughout the past year, despite the corona outbreak. We’re pleased to announce that we will be holding an Activity Report Meeting, to introduce the work we have been doing.
In the state of a global pandemic, what have been doing?
We will be introducing the various activities we have been doing, while face to face activities on campus have been limited. – see how we have adapted to the situation so we can keep supporting students! We wish this could be an opportunity to think again, about how students can support each other.
This Activity Report Meeting is open to the public.
During the meeting, we will be inviting Mr. Koki Ozora, Chief Director of NPO “Anata no Ibasho” (A Place for You); Keio University Bachelor of Arts in Policy Management student, and Professor Makoto Yuasa, Project Professor of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology; Chief Director of NPO “Musubie”, an organization that supports food supplies for children through supporting こども食堂(children’s cafeteria)*1.
After a talk by Mr. Ozora and this year’s activity reporting by the Peer Supporter, there will be a discussion and Q&A session by the guest and peer supporters.
We look forward to your participation.
Date and Time: 22nd of March, 2021
Participants : Open to public (Limited to 500 people)
Place : Zoom Webinar
Please note:
- This meeting is conducted in Japanese.
- Please refrain from recording the audio or video recording the meeting.
- The meeting will be recorded by us (organizer)
- Participation is free of charge. If you wish to attend, please fill out the form below. the deadline for submission of form is 19th of March (Friday) noon.
If you have a disability that requires special equipment or information, please contact us through the email below when you apply.
For inquiries, please contact::dcs-peer.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
plan of events:
1. Opening adress
2. Speech by Head of Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services
3. Talk by Mr. Koki Ozora, Chief Director of NPO “Anata no Ibasho”
4. Activity Report by the Peer Supporters
5. Symposium session(Comment from Mr. Ozora and Prof. Yuasa, discussion with the Peer Supporters)
6. Open floor for questions / comments
7. Closing remarks
Guest Profile
Koki Ozora, Chief Director of NPO “Anata no Ibasho” (A Place for You); Keio University Bachelor of Arts in Policy Management student
Established NPO “Anata no Ibasho” with the aim of “realization of society that enables access to someone whom you could trust, freely, easily, and surely”, and “eradication of unwanted loneliness”. An activist, with the theme of countermeasure for loneliness and societal participation by the youth.
Title of Talk:
“Why I, a current university student who made a consultation service, need to talk about the countermeasure against loneliness.“
He will be talking about the theme of countermeasure for loneliness and societal participation by the youth, based upon his own experience and why he decided to establish the consultation service NPO.
Theme for discussion:
「preventing unwanted loneliness within campus- the possibilities of online chat consultations」
There is an increasing number of students who turn to online chat consultations , faced with distress and feeling isolated due to online lectures, prolonged time alone, and loss of opportunities to make friends. Meanwhile, there are a lot of students becoming counselors themselves. we will discuss the advantages of being a part of interpersonal support activity by working as a counsellor, as well as the future of online counselling service and Peer Support.
Makoto YUASA
Social Activist. Project Professor of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology; Chief Director of NPO “Musubie”.
Born 1959 in Kyoto prefecture. Graduated from Tokyo University, major of law, followed by postgraduate (Graduate Schools for Law and Politics) Credit acquisition withdrawal. Active in supporting homeless people from the 1990s, Special Advisor to the Cabinet for 3 years from 2009. The Cabinet Secretariat head of Promotion of Social Inclusion, Head of office for Cooperation of Disaster Volunteers. By being involved in the reality of policy decisions, he realized the importance of the development and maturity of democracy, for advancing Japan’s society, with Public-private collaboration. Professor in Hosei University from 2014 to 2019.
『子どもが増えた! 人口増・税収増の自治体経営』(泉房穂氏との共著, 光文社新書, 2019), 『「なんとかする」子どもの貧困』(角川新書, 2017), 『ヒーローを待っていても世界は変わらない』(朝日新聞出版, 2012年), 『反貧困』(岩波新書, 2008年, 第8回大佛次郎論壇賞, 第14回平和・協同ジャーナリスト基金賞受賞), 『貧困についてとことん考えてみた』(茂木健一郎と共著, NHK出版, 2010)
and many articles.
Awarded the “Author award 2016” for authoring 「1ミリでも進める子どもの貧困対策」(inching forward in measures against Child poverty)-serialized in Yahoo News Byline. In his education practice in Hosei University, he has been awarded “the best teacher chosen by students” for two years, consecutively. Awarded the CampfireAward 2018 for 「こども食堂安心・安全プロジェクト」(Children’s cafeteria safety / security project). Member of Japan Federation of Bar Associations Citizen’s Meeting.
The Children’s cafeteria has been initiated in Japan and it offers free food to Japanese children who cannot afford to eat well due to financial constraints.