9月21日(水)東大誰でもオンライン自習室Vol.1のお知らせ / “UTokyo Study Hall for Everyone”

(English below)
・誰かと繋がりつつも無音の環境で勉強したい方 等
ミーティングID: 898 1398 2253
パスコード: 561223
Dear students belonging to the University of Tokyo
Hello! This is the Peer Support Room of the University of Tokyo.
The Peer Support Room is an organization authorized by the University of Tokyo, which aims to support each other among students.
The Peer Support Room will hold an “UTokyo Study Hall for Everyone” for students in the University of Tokyo on Wednesday, September 21, 10:00~12:00.
This self-study room is an online self-study room open to all Todai students.
“I want to study while talking to someone…”
“I want to study while talking to someone…”
“I want to make the most of my time before lunch…”
“I want to talk with other students about my course before A-semester…” etc.
This is the perfect environment for you.
We are waiting for you to use the “Silent Room,” “Chat Room,” “Course Registration Room,” etc., according to your purpose.
Of course, you are free to turn on or off the camera and mute.
No advance registration is required, so everyone is welcome!
Date: Wednesday, September 21, 10:00~12:00
Place: Online(zoom)
Details: https://ut-psr.net/2022/09/13/0921studyhall/
UTokyo Study Hall for Everyone is a virtual space for students in the UTokyo community where you can study alone, or with others. You can join us with or without audio and camera. And of course, it’s free of charge!
You can work on your projects, readings, assignments, or anything you would like to get it done in this Study Hall. We have a Google Document and Slido ready for you to use to interact, ask and answer the questions with other students. Join us for a fun and fruitful learning experience!
UTokyo account Only(@utac.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
ID: 898 1398 2253
PASS CODE: 561223
Thank you!