【4/12(水)】「ぴあサポロードショー!」開催のお知らせ/【Apr.12th(Wed)】Film Screening “Peer Support Roadshow!”

(English below)
戦わなければ 勝利はない
人の意見を聞かなければ 行動は起こせない
その思いに感動した」 ー夏木マリ
「ジェンダー・マリアージュ ~全米を揺るがした同性婚裁判~」(アメリカ、2013年)
4月の上映会では「ジェンダー・マリアージュ ~全米を揺るがした同性婚裁判~」という作品を扱います。アメリカ・カリフォルニア州で合法だった同性婚が再び禁止されることに。これを人権侵害であるとして提訴した2組のカップルと、彼らを支えた弁護士たちを5年以上に渡って撮影し続けたドキュメンタリーです。
場所:本郷キャンパス 理学部1号館東棟1階 Go Globalセンター 多目的室
Why don’t you enjoy movies casually on campus?
The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room is an official organization of the University of Tokyo, established in April 2015 with the aim of creating a campus where students support each other.
This “Peer Support Roadshow!” event is designed to help students connect with each other through films.
For the April screening, we will be showing a film called “The Case Against 8”. Same-sex marriage, which had been legal in the state of California, was banned again. This is a documentary filming two couples who filed a lawsuit against the bill as a violation of their human rights, and the lawyers who supported them over a period of five years.
After the screening of the film, there will be time for participants to share their impressions and opinions with each other. We welcome anyone who would like to think about society through films, or who would like to hear various ideas.
Date: Wednesday, Apr.12th, 2023, 14:30~16:50
Eligibility: Students of the University of Tokyo
Place: Multipurpose Room, Go Global Center (Faculty of Science Bldg. 1 [East])
The number of participants is limited to 25 people.
*English audio, Japanese subtitles available
*The primary language for this event is Japanese, but English will be used depending on the situation
◆Matters need attention◆
・Please refrain from video recording.
・Participation is free of charge.
・You may enter or leave any time as you please.
・Please note the picture/interview of the attendee would be used in the activity report in an anonymous way.
・Please note that drinks and food are not allowed in the venue.
・Each attendee will be asked to fill in a contact-form with basic personal information including name, student ID, university department and contact info in case for the need of tracing the Close-contact when the COVID-19 infection is confirmed after the event.
・Please sanitize your hands. Wearing masks is recommended during opinion exchange. (Not mandatory)
・All participants will be asked to check the temperature and only those with a temperature below 37.5 degrees will be allowed to enter the venue.
・Please refrain from participating if you have fever or flu-like symptoms.
・Please note that the film screened is subject to change at short notice.
*Registration is only available to University of Tokyo ECCS Cloud Mail users. If you are a University of Tokyo student who would like to attend this event and do not have an ECCS account, please contact us at http://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/psr/contact-us/
Flow of the day
1) Greetings and explanation of the purpose of the event
2) Screening of the film
3) Exchange of opinions
(We will loosely exchange impressions of the film and opinions on social issues)