学生生活とストレスに関するアンケート/Questionnaire about your student life and stress

(English below)
Questionnaire about your student life and stress
The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room is an official organization of the University of Tokyo, established in April 2015 with the aim of creating a campus where students support each other.
Since 2020, when the pandemic of the Colona virus started, we have surveyed the current status of stress in UTokyo students by a questionnaire.
We will release the result with an analysis, which in turn will be useful for future activities and promotion of stress coping strategies.
Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey.
Period: Apr.19th(Wed)~May 7th(Sun)
Target: University of Tokyo students with ECCS account
*The results will be anonymized and published along with useful tips for managing stress on the homepage, online magazine, and twitter of UTokyo Peer Support Room.
*Answer the questionnaire only if you agree with the term.