【11/11(月)】「ぴあサポ映画祭2024」開催のお知らせ(ゲスト講演/髙橋史子氏も同時開催)/【Nov.11th(Mon)】”Peer Support Film Festival 2024″

(English below)

ハーフであるとは、どういうことなのか?  日本人であるという意味は? 一体、それは自分自身又は日本社会にとって、どういう意味を持つのか?

https://www.cinemo.info/16m より


今回、東京大学ピアサポートルームは、昨年度まで開催していました映画上映企画「ぴあサポロードショー!」を発展させて、「ぴあサポ映画祭2024」を開催致します! 今回の映画祭では「ハーフ」という作品を上映します。この作品は、日本に多く暮らすハーフの人たちのアイデンティティをめぐる問題を取り扱ったドキュメンタリー映画です。






※申し込みは、東京大学ECCSクラウドメールのアカウントのみとなっています。本イベントに参加を希望される東大生で、ECCSアカウントをお持ちでない方は、こちら(https://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/psr/ )からお問い合わせください。

①ピアサポートルームの紹介、企画の主旨説明 (10分)
②映画の上映 (87分)
③休憩 (10分)
④ゲスト講演/髙橋史子氏+質疑応答 (30分)
⑤参加者どうしの意見交換+シェアリング (30分)


The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room is an official University organization established in April 2015 with the goal of creating a campus where students support each other. The “Screening Team,” a division of the University of Tokyo Peer Support Room, aims to create connections among students by hosting film screenings.

This time, the University of Tokyo Peer Support Room has developed the film screening project that had been held until last year, “Peer Support Roadshow! ” which was held until last year, and will hold “Peer Support Film Festival 2024”! This year’s festival will feature a film titled “HAFU“. This is a documentary film that deals with issues surrounding the identity of the many half-Japanese living in Japan.

We are pleased to invite as our guest speaker Ms. Fumiko Takahashi, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, who specializes in the sociology of education and sociology. She will give a lecture related to the film and her research on the education of children with roots outside of Japan.

After the screening of the film and the guest speaker’s speech, there will be time for participants to share their thoughts and opinions about the film. We welcome anyone who would like to think about living in a multicultural society through films, or who would like to hear various voices.

Date: Monday, November. 11th, 2024, 13:00~15:50
Eligibility: Students, faculty and staff of the University of Tokyo
Place: Library Plaza (LP), Annex, General Library, Hongo Cumpus, University of Tokyo (http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
Organizer: Peer Support Room
Venue capacity: 40 people (first-come-first-served basis)

*Mainly Japanese audio, English subtitles available
*The primary language for this event is Japanese, but English will be used depending on the situation.
*Questions and comments will be accepted verbally, and we will also be using Slido, a tool that allows people to submit questions and comments anonymously.

◆Matters need attention◆
・Participation is free of charge.
・We will be accepting participants on a first-come, first-served basis, so we recommend that you register in advance using the application form attached to the homepage.
・Participants are free to enter and leave the venue during the session.
・Please refrain from video recording.
・Please understand that we may use some of your participation in the event to report on our activities, etc. in a manner that does not personally identify you.
・Please note that no food or beverages are allowed in the venue (bottled drinks with lids are allowed).
・Please use hand sanitizer.
・Please refrain from participating in the event if you have a fever or any other medical condition.
・Please refrain from participating in the event if you have a fever or illness.

①Introduction of the peer support room and explanation of the main purpose of the project (10 min)
②Screening of the film (87 min)
③Break (10 min)
④Lecture by the guest speaker + Q&A (30 min)
⑤Exchange of opinions among participants + sharing (30 min)
 (Exchange of opinions about the film and social issues with the guest speaker in a relaxed atmosphere)

The trailer of the film can be viewed here.