What is the Peer Support Room ?

 The Peer Support Room is an official organization of the University of Tokyo established in April 2015 with the aim of creating a campus where students support each other. Students who have undergone training and been certified as Peer Supporters receive advice from professional staff members, and work to provide support to a wide range of students throughout the University. University is a place of freedom, but this tends to make relationships less personal, and it is difficult to make friends or seek advice. We call such a university a “campus of mutual support,” where students can confide in and rely on someone when they feel anxious about their university life, and where someone notices when someone is in trouble and calls out to them.

What is a peer supporter ?

  Peer Supporters are students who plan and manage the activities of the Peer Support Room. We provide various support activities for UTokyo students. We are not only continuing the activities that have been carried out so far, but also working on the realization of new activity ideas.

Any UTokyo student who is interested in creating a comfortable campus can become a Peer Supporter.

We are looking for Peer Supporters. For more information, please click here.