【8/8(火), 8/9(水)】ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOP〜縁日〜開催のお知らせ

(English version follows)
◆ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOPとは◆
「ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOP」とは、東大生がさまざまな形のアートやアクティビティに参加して息抜きすることができるワークショップです。参加者が新しい自分を見つけたり、人とつながったりするきっかけとなることを目指しています。昨年度初めて開催し、多くの東大生のみなさんにご参加いただきました。今年度も夏から冬にかけて、年3回の開催を予定しています。
2日間の屋内イベント(Art Workshop)に加え、2日目には夏の夜を楽しむことのできる屋外イベント(縁日)も開催いたします。屋内イベントは、お面・提灯・風鈴・団扇などの工作ワークショップ、屋外イベントは、ヨーヨー釣り、ビンゴ大会、そしてサイレント盆踊りと、去年以上にパワーアップした企画が満載です。

<屋内(Art Workshop)> お面・提灯・うちわ・ヨーヨー・風鈴づくり
8月8日(火) 12:30-14:30(14:00最終受付)
8月9日(水) 12:30-14:30(14:00最終受付)
@本郷キャンパス GlobEセンター 学生交流広場(理学部1号館1階)
<屋外(縁日)> サイレント盆踊り・ヨーヨー釣り・ビンゴ大会
8月9日(水) 17:30-19:30
@総合図書館前 噴水広場
【Aug 8th & 9th】Notice for PIASAPO YURUTTO ART WORKSHOP (Peer Support in a Loose Way) coming soon!
◆[PIASAPO YURUTTO ART WORKSHOP (Peer Support in a Loose Way) En-Nichi]◆
This workshop is all about offering a perfect place to relax through various forms of art and activities.
We aim to connect all attendees by letting you explore yourself in a fresh way. Continuing from last year, the event will be held again this year!
The first theme this year is “En-nichi (festival)” on Aug. 8th (Tue.)/ 9th (Wed.). Both indoor and outdoor events are fully arranged based on the atmosphere of the Japanese-style summer festival. A big welcome to you all!
* Current UTokyo students only. Free of charge.
target:current Utokyo students
language:(mainly )Japanese
〜Feel free to join us! 〜
・Those who want to make new connections within campus
・Those who feel like meeting a new self
・Those who need some real downtime to unwind
◆Event Activities◆

<Art Workshop> mask, lantern, Japanese fan, yoyo(water balloon)& wind-chime making
August 8 (Tue.) 12:30-14:30 (reception is until 14:00)
August 9 (Wed.) 12:30-14:30 (reception is until 14:00)
@GlobE Center Student Plaza, Hongo Campus
<Out-door activities(En-Nichi festival)>
water balloon fishing, silent “Bon festival dancing”, Bingo competition
August 9 (Wed.) 17:30-19:30
@Fountain square in front of the General Library, Hongo Campus
*You may enter or leave any time as you please.
*Both indoor and outdoor events are widely open to everyone, please take the chance to join in any of these.
*Please note that there may be changes made to the above contents.
◆Things to Bring◆
・Art Workshop(in-door activity): please bring an empty plastic bottle (washed)(500mL or so) if possible. It will be used for making wind chimes. You can participate even if you do not have one.
・“Bon festival dancing”: WIRED earphone(Φ3.5mm stereo jack) (available to be rent but the number is limited)
◆Matters need attention◆
・Please fill the pre-registration form if you wish to attend. People without reservation can also participate in the event.
・Please note the ambience of the attendee would be used in the activity report in an anonymous way.
・There will be photo and video shooting during the workshop. Those who would not like to be filmed need to let us know in advance. Since the videos and photos will be used in the activity report and the public affairs of Peer Support Room, we would really appreciate that if you cooperated with the photo/video shooting.
・Drinks and food are not allowed in the venue.(You may bring your drink if it has a lid.)
・The En-Nichi festival might be canceled if there is rain.
Please check the latest notification through HP/Twitter.
・Hand sanitizer and wearing a mask is recommended.Do not participate if you have a fever or any other symptoms.
・The number of participants may be limited depending on the number of participants (first-come-first-served basis).
・A survey will be conducted before and after the event. We appreciate your cooperation.
◆How to Participate◆
Please fill in the form from the URL below after reading through the participation policy.(your ECCS cloud mail account is required to log-in)
*UTokyo students who don’t have a UTokyo account and would like to participate in this event, please contact us here (https://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/psr/).Hosted by UTokyo Peer Support Room
Co-sponsored by International Student Support Room, Center for Global Education
Cooperated by Daishi ONE Park