
(English below)
日時:7/7(水) 12:00〜13:00
日時:7/20(火) 18:00〜19:00
【7/7(Wednesday), 7/20(Tuesday)】We will be holding “Kashiwa Yuru-Ken”
Let’s talk to other students on Kashiwa Campus online!
“Kashiwa Yuru-ken” will be held twice in July!
①【7/7(Wed.)12:00〜13:00】”To enjoy Kashiwa”
②【7/20(Tue.)18:00〜19:00】”Life as a graduate student”
If you are interested in interacting with students at Kashiwa Campus or just want to listen to our conversation, please join us.
You can just listen to us like a BGM, and it is also fine not to speak up.
Your comfort and safety is our primary concern.
Eligible students : All students in University of Tokyo (Degree / Master / Doctor)
・Free to join and leave during the event
・Mic and video can be turned on and off at will.
・Students from other campuses can also participate.
①【7/7(Wed.)12:00〜13:00】”To enjoy Kashiwa”
Due to the recent situation, there have been a lot of changes in our student life. For some of us, it has become difficult to eat lunch with someone due to the spread of research at home and other factors.
Therefore, for the first time, “Kashiwa Yuru-ken” will be held during the lunch hour. Under the title of “To Enjoy Kashiwa“, we will have lunch while chatting and exchanging information with other Kashiwa Campus students.
For example, “Where do you eat lunch?”, “How often do you go to the campus now?” etc. Let’s talk casually about our recent student life!
If you want to join us without eating lunch, or if you’ve never been to Kashiwa Campus before, you’re of course welcome!
Also, international students, people who just want to chat or listen, etc., all students are welcome!
We, the Peer Supporters, really hope you could come join us!
Date:July 7(Thu.) 12:00〜13:00
Place: online(Zoom)
If you wish to join us, please follow the link below, and fill out the form after reading the participation terms and conditions.
【Please note】We only allow Zoom accounts that are registered under the UTokyo accounts.
②【7/20(Tue.)18:00〜19:00】”Life as a graduate student”
At Kashiwa Campus, there are graduate students who are conducting a variety of research.
I think that graduate students’ lives differ depending on, for example, their “research field” and “whether they complete their research at home or go to campus for experiments, etc.” .
However, especially this year, there are fewer opportunities to know how people in other laboratories are leading their graduate student lives.
Therefore, the upcoming “Kashiwa Yuru-ken” will be held under the title of ”Life as a graduate student” and you can chat and exchange information about life in graduate school.
Let’s talk casually about our lives in graduate school, for example, how often you go to the campus, your daily schedule, etc.!
If you’ve never been to Kashiwa Campus, or if you belong to a lab in Shirokanedai or Odaiba, you’re welcome!
Also, undergraduate students who are considering going on to Kashiwa Campus, international students, people who just want to chat or listen, people who want to participate while having dinner, etc., all students are welcome!
We, the Peer Supporters, really hope you could come join us!
Date:July 20(Tue.) 18:00〜19:00
Place: online(Zoom)
If you wish to join us, please follow the link below, and fill out the form after reading the participation terms and conditions.
【Please note】We only allow Zoom accounts that are registered under the UTokyo accounts.