【12/12(月)& 12/20(火)】「ぴあサポロードショー!」開催のお知らせ/【Dec.12th(Mon)&20th(Tue)】Film Screening “Peer Support Roadshow!”

お金も物も僅かなこの島には 老いることを忘れた老人たちが 活き活きと暮らしているらしい。
長寿で有名なギリシャの離島、イカリア島へ経済危機で希望を失った若者たちが移住した。 大都会から離島に移住し、人生を再出発した若者たちのドキュメンタリー。
「ハッピー・リトル・アイランド ―長寿で豊かなギリシャの島で―」(ギリシャ、2013年)

1週目 12/12(月)は「ハッピー・リトル・アイランド ―長寿で豊かなギリシャの島で―」という作品を扱います。ギリシャ・イカリア島に生きる人々の姿とその生活を通して、「本当の豊かさ」とはどういうものかを問いかけるようなドキュメンタリーです。
2週目 12/20(月)は「タシちゃんと僧侶」を鑑賞します。ヒマラヤ山脈の麓に孤児院を開いたとある僧侶と、5歳の女の子「タシちゃん」との物語。孤児院での生活を通じて成長していく子供たちの姿と同時に、子供たちを支援していく難しさも描かれています。
場所:学生支援センター3階 ディスカッションルーム1 (予定。変更があればお伝えします)MAP
https://youtu.be/-El4YC2U0-g (「ハッピー・リトル・アイランド ―長寿で豊かなギリシャの島で―」)
https://youtu.be/5exYinLIwgo (「タシちゃんと僧侶」)
Why don’t you enjoy movies casually on campus?
The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room is an official organization of the University of Tokyo, established in April 2015 with the aim of creating a campus where students support each other.
Through holding regular film screenings, we are working to create connections among students through films.
In December we will be showing films two weeks in a row!
The first week (Monday, 12/12) we will feature the film LITTLE LAND. Through the lives of people living on the Greek island of Ikaria, this documentary questions what “true wealth” really means.
In the second week (Monday, December 20), we will watch Tashi and the Monk. This is the story of a monk who opened an orphanage at the foot of the Himalayas and a 5-year-old girl named Tashi. The film depicts the children’s growth through their life at the orphanage and at the same time the difficulty of supporting them.
After the screening of either film, there will be time for participants to share their impressions and opinions with each other. We welcome anyone who would like to think about society through films, or who would like to hear various voices.
Date: Monday, Dec.12th, 2022, 16:45~18:00
Tuesday, Dec.20th, 2022, 16:45~18:00
Eligibility: Students of the University of Tokyo
Place: Student Support Center, 3rd floor, Discussion Room 1 (Scheduled. We will let you know if there are any changes) MAP
The number of participants is limited to 10 people.
◆Matters need attention◆
・Please refrain from video recording.
・Participation is free of charge.
・You may enter or leave any time as you please.
・Please note the picture/interview of the attendee would be used in the activity report in an anonymous way.
・ Please note that drinks and food are not allowed in the venue.
・Each attendee will be asked to fill in a contact-form with basic personal information including name, student ID, university department and contact info in case for the need of tracing the Close-contact when the COVID-19 infection is confirmed after the workshop.
・Please sanitize your hands and wear your mask properly during the workshop.
・All participants will be asked to check the temperature and only those with a temperature below 37.0 degrees will be allowed to enter the venue.
・Please refrain from participating if you have fever or flu-like symptoms.
*Registration is only available to University of Tokyo ECCS Cloud Mail users’ email addresses.
Flow of the day
1) Greetings and explanation of the purpose of the event
2) Screening of the film
3) Exchange of opinions
(We will loosely exchange impressions of the film and opinions on social issues)
The trailer of the film can be viewed here.