【12/6(水)、12/7(木) ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOP vol.2 開催】/ wed.6-thu.7 Dec. Peer Support in a loose way Art Workshop vol.2

(English below)
◆ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOPとは◆
1日目には、コスチューム・アーティストのひびのこづえさんをお招きしたイベント「ひびのこづえ ちいさな生きもの研究所」です。ひびのさんに衣装のはぎれや糸をお持ちいただき、自由に「ちいさな生きもの」を作ります!
・息抜きしたい人 等、お気軽にお越しください!
12/6(水)「ひびのこづえ ちいさな生きもの研究所」
NHK Eテレ「にほんごであそぼ」のセット衣装を担当中。歌舞伎「野田版 桜の森の満開の下」、現代劇の野田秀樹作・演出の「兎、波を走る」、ダンス「星の王子さま」KAATなど衣装担当。2022年個展「不思議の森に棲む服 」熊本市現代美術館にて開催。奥能登国際芸術祭、大地の芸術祭、瀬戸内国際芸術祭に参加。

《1日目》「ひびのこづえ ちいさな生きもの研究所」
1回目 10:30-13:00(定員35名)
2回目 15:00-17:30(定員35名)
場所: 本郷キャンパス 図書館前広場
日時:12/12(火)~12/22(金) 終日 ※図書館開館時間内
持ち物:筆記用具、色鉛筆、はさみ(可能であれば布用) ※開催側でも用意しますが、数に限りがありますので、できるだけご持参ください。
・「ひびのこづえ ちいさな生きもの研究所」の定員は各回35人です。参加希望の方はお早めにお申込みいただくと確実です。
主催:東京大学ピアサポートルーム / 共催:東京大学留学生支援室
This workshop is all about offering a perfect place to relax through various forms of art and activities. We are aiming to connect all attendees via exploring yourself in a fresh way through all three events. After the Summer “En-nichi (festival)”, we are proud to present the second event of the series.
On the first day, costume artist Hibino Kodue will hold “Hibino Kodue Chisana Ikimono Kenkyujo” (Hibino Kodue’s Little Creatures Laboratory.) Hibino will bring lots of costume scraps and threads. Let’s make your own “little creature” by using them freely!
The event on the second day is “Let’s make a tiny creature’s habitat!” Participants will draw pictures on a very large piece of paper to create a “habitat” for the “little creatures.” The completed works will be displayed in the campus.
You are welcome to participate by yourself or with your friends!
Workshops are open to all without prior registration. Please feel free to Invite your friends. A big welcome to you all!
◆Recommended to THOSE◆
・Who want to make new connections within campus
・Who feel like meeting a new self
・Who need some real downtime to unwind etc.
Feel free to join us!
◆Event Activities◆
12/6 (Wed) “Hibino Kodue Chisana Ikimono Kenkyujo” (Hibino Kodue’s Little Creatures Laboratory.)
・Participants will make their own “little creatures” by sewing, embroidery, etc.
・You can take home the “little creatures” you made.
・Clothes and threads will be provided at the venue.
costume artist
Graduated from the Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (Tokyo University of the Arts).
She has worked as a costume artist widely in advertising, theater, dance, ballet, film, and television. She has received the Kinokuniya Theatre Award for Individual Achievement, among others.
Currently in charge of set costumes for NHK E-television’s “Nihongo de Asobo” (Let’s Play in Japanese). She has been in charge of costumes for Kabuki “Noda version of in the Woods beneath the Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom”, “Usagi, nani wo hashiru” written and directed by a contemporary playwright, Hideki Noda, and dance “The Little Prince – A Letter from Saint Exupery” at KAAT, etc. Her solo exhibition “forest closet” will be held at Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto in 2022. She has participated in Oku-Noto Triennale, Echigo-Tsumari Art Field, and Setouchi Triennale.
12/7(Thu) “Let’s make a little creatures’ habitat!
・Participants will draw the dwellings of “little creatures” on a large piece of paper.
・You can use paint, origami, felt, stamps, photos, etc. freely.
・The pictures of the “little creatures” created on 12/6 will live in the paintings.
・The completed works will be exhibited on the campus (location to be determined).
・All art materials will be provided.
・Schedule: Dec 6th(Wed), Dec 7th(Thu)
・Time: Dec 6th(Wed) 2 sessions:
1st session 10:30-13:00
2nd session 15:00-17:30
(Participating in the middle is OK, leaving in the middle is OK, only observing is NG.)
Dec 7th(Thu) 13:00-17:00
(Participating in the middle is OK, leaving in the middle is OK, only observing is OK.)
・Location: Hongo Campus
Day 1: Center for Global Education (GlobE) Student Plaza
Day 2: Plaza in front of the library
(in case of rain, Library Plaza in the General Library Annex)
Participants will receive a hand warmer!
If there is any change, it will be announced on the website and X of the Peer Support Room.
・Eligible applicants: Any student in UTokyo (auditing/research student included)
・Language: Japanese
・Participation fee: free
・Things to bring: writing utensils, colored pencils, scissors (If it is possible, please bring fabric scissors.) *The organizer will prepare the food, but the number is limited, so please bring as much as possible.
◆Matters need attention◆
・Workshops are open to all without prior registration, but the number of participants for “Hibino Kodue Chisana Ikimono Kenkyujo” is limited to 40 for each session. Please register early if you want to participate without fail!
・Please note that the picture/interview of the attendee would be used in the activity report in an anonymous way.
・Please note that there will be photo and video shooting during the workshop, those who would not like to be filmed need to let us know in advance. Since the videos and photos will be used in the activity report and the public affairs of Peer Support Room, we would really appreciate that if you cooperated with the photo/video shooting.
・Please refrain from participating if you have fever or flu-like symptoms.
・A survey will be conducted before and after the workshop. Thank you for your cooperation.
◆How to participate◆
Please fill in the form from the URL below after reading through “Matters need attention” above this part.
Organized by the Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services of The University of Tokyo / Cooperated with the International Student Support Room