【2/16(木)・2/17(金) ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOP vol.3 開催のお知らせ】

(English below)
◆ぴあサポゆるっと ART WORKSHOPとは◆
・息抜きしたい人 などなど お気軽にお越しください!

日時:2月16日(木)、17日(金) 17:00-19:00
制作場所:学生支援センター3F ディスカッションルーム1
参加費: 無料
主催:東京大学ピアサポートルーム / 共催:東京大学留学生支援室
This workshop is all about offering a perfect place to relax through various forms of art and activities. We are aiming to connect all attendees via exploring yourself in a fresh way through all three events. After the Summer “En-nichi (festival)”and “Autumn Harvest Walk”, we are proud to present “Letters of light”, the third event of the series. Why don’t you send your “warmth” with your lights? You are welcome to participate alone or with your friends. No advance registration is required, so please feel free to drop by! If you cannot join us on the day, you can also send us a message or photos online (see ◆Messages & Photos Wanted◆ at the bottom of this page).
◆Recommended to THOSE◆
・Who wants to feel warm and fuzzy.
・Who wants to exchange messages with someone they don’t know.
・Who wants to relax, etc. Please feel free to join us!
◆Event Activities◆
・Creation of “warmth” messages in various ways
Participants will be asked to come up with their own messages on the theme of “warmth,” which will be displayed on lanterns, LED capsules, omikuji, wire illumination, etc. The creation will be held in Discussion Room 1 on the 3rd floor of the Student Support Center, and the exhibition will be held at the fountain plaza in front of the library. You are welcome to just come and take a look!
・Message Warmer Exchange
Write a message on a “warm” pocket warmer and give it to the next participant.
※Contents are subject to change.
Date and time: February 16th and 17th, 17:00-19:00
Creation place: Student support center 3F (Discussion room 1)
Exhibition place: Square in front of the general library
Target: Todai students (including auditing and research students)
Language: Japanese
Admission: Free
◆Matters need attention◆
・No advance registration is required. Please come to Student support center 3F (Discussion room 1) on the day of the event.
・In case of rain, the event may be postponed. In that case, we will notify you via our website and SNS.
・You are free to enter and leave during the event.
・Please understand that we may use some of your participation in a manner that does not identify you personally in reports on our activities.
・Photos and videos will be taken on the day of the event. We will later use them in the activity report of the peer support room and publicity of the event. Thank you for your cooperation. (If you do not want to be filmed, please let us know on the event day.)
・Please provide your name, student ID number, affiliation, and contact information at the venue on the day of the event, so that we can contact those who may be in close contact with infected persons in the event of an outbreak.
・Please disinfect your hands and wear a mask at all times.
・Please take your temperature (no one over 37.0 degrees Celsius will be allowed to participate).
・Please refrain from participating if you have a fever or any other symptoms.
◆Messages & Photos wanted◆
If you are unable to attend the event, please send us your message or photos !
Peer supporters will write it on your behalf and display it at the fountain plaza in front of the general library on the day of the event. Please use the form below to send us your “warm” message! You need to log in with your ECCS Cloud Email account.
(Please send a message and photos to someone, a wish, a resolution, etc. in any format under the theme of “warmth”)
Organized by the Center for Research on Counseling and Support Services of The University of Tokyo / Cooperated with the International Student Support Room