【3/14(木)】「ぴあサポロードショー!」開催のお知らせ/【Mar.14th(Thu)】“Peer Support Roadshow!”

本作の配給会社United People社代表取締役、関根健次さんをお招きしてガザ地区のことを考えます。
(English below)
「ガザ 素顔の日常」(アイルランド、カナダ、ドイツ、2019年)
ーhttps://www.cinemo.info/109m より
3月の上映会では「ガザ 素顔の日常」という作品を扱います。2023年10月以来、ガザ地区ではハマスとイスラエルの衝突が続き、大勢の民間人が犠牲になっています。今回の映画は、そんなガザ地区で暮らす人々の生活を記録した2019年制作のドキュメンタリーです。映画の予告編はこちらからご覧いただけます。
今回のイベントでは本作の配給会社 United People 社の関根健次氏をお呼びしています。United People 社は「人と人をつないで世界の課題解決をする」をミッションに、映画買い付け・配給・宣伝・制作を行なっている会社です。映画の上映後には、関根氏の活動とともに、身近なところで私たちにできることついてお話いただきます
※申し込みは、東京大学ECCSクラウドメールのアカウントのみとなっています。本イベントに参加を希望される東大生で、ECCSアカウントをお持ちでない方は、こちら(https://dcs.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/psr/ )からお問い合わせください。
ユナイテッドピープル株式会社 代表取締役、一般社団法人 国際平和映像祭 代表理事、ピースデー・ジャパン共同代表、PEACE DAY財団理事ほか。映画プロデューサー。ベロイト大学経済学部卒。大学の卒業旅行の途中、偶然訪れた紛争地ガザ地区で世界の現実を知り、後に平和実現が人生のミッションとなる。2002年、世界の課題解決を事業目的とするユナイテッドピープル株式会社を創業。募金サイト「イーココロ!」や署名サイト「署名TV」の運営を経て、2009年から映画事業を開始。2011年、国連が定めた国際平和デー、通称ピースデーを日本で広める活動を開始。一般社団法人国際平和映像祭を設立し、ピースデーに合わせて毎年国際平和映像祭(UFPFF)を開催している。2014年より誰でも社会課題・SDGsテーマの映画上映会を開催できる「cinemo(シネモ)」を運営開始。2016年4月から家族4人で世界一周の旅へ出て約1年、21世紀の理想的国家として注目されるコスタリカに暮らした。映画『もったいないキッチン』プロデューサー。2021年9月21日、ピースデーにワイン事業「ユナイテッドピープルワイン」を開業。
Why don’t you enjoy movies casually on campus?
The University of Tokyo Peer Support Room is an official organization of the University of Tokyo, established in April 2015 with the aim of creating a campus where students support each other. This “Peer Support Roadshow!” event is designed to help students connect with each other through films.
For the March screening, we will be showing a film called “Gaza”. This documentary focuses on the everyday lives of people who live in Gaza.
We will invite Mr. Kenji Sekine, a president of United People Co, a company that purchases, distributes, promotes, and produces films with the mission of “connecting people to solve the world’s problems”. After the screening of the film, Mr. Sekine will talk about his activities and what we can do in our everyday lives.
After the screening of the film, there will be time for questions to Mr. Sekine. However, it is not a judgment of who is right/wrong. Questions to Mr. Sekine and impressions on the film will be solicited at the venue, both on Slido (anonymous posting site) and orally.
We welcome anyone who would like to think about society through films, or who would like to hear various ideas.
Date: Thursday, March. 14th, 2024, 13:00~16:00
Eligibility: Students of the University of Tokyo
Place: Library Plaza, General Library Annex, Hongo Campus ( http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
Organizer: Peer Support Room
The number of participants is limited to 40 people.
*Japanese subtitles available
*Since there will be dialogue in languages other than English and Japanese, a synopsis document in English will be distributed on the day of the event.
*The primary language for this event is Japanese, but English will be used depending on the situation.
Ground Rules
・Students from various backgrounds are participating in this event. Be respectful of each other.
・We will not support any particular position and will operate in a neutral manner as much as possible during the event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with the moderated proceedings.
・Please refrain from making comments that condemn or slander a specific subject or promote discrimination or prejudice.
・Please do not reveal or disclose any personal information or remarks you may have heard or seen on the day outside of the event.
・You are free to leave your seat even during the event.
Matters need attention
・Please refrain from video recording.
・Participation is free of charge.
・You may enter or leave any time as you please.
・Please note the picture/interview of the attendee would be used in the activity report in an anonymous way.
・Please note that drinks and food are not allowed in the venue.
・Please refrain from participating if you have fever or flu-like symptoms.
・Please note that the film screened is subject to change at short notice.
・Please note that this film contains some shocking depictions, including a scene in which young men who threw stones at a wall surrounding Gaza are wounded by gunfire and carried away, and scenes in which some of the bodies are shown. You may leave your seat during the screening, and if you feel uncomfortable during or after the screening, please notify the nearest staff member.
*Registration is only available to University of Tokyo ECCS Cloud Mail users. If you are a University of Tokyo student who would like to attend this event and do not have an ECCS account, please contact us at
Flow of the day
1) Greetings and explanation of the purpose of the event
2) Screening of the film
3) Intermission (Collecting Questions to Mr. Sekine and Impressions)
4) Speech by Mr. Sekine, a president of United People Co.
5) Q&A and sharing your impressions Period
*Questions will be accepted verbally, or we will use Slido, a tool that allows anonymous submission of questions and comments.
Mr. Kenji Sekine’s Profile
President of UNITED PEOPLE Co., Ltd. Co-chairman of the International Peace Film Festival, co-chairman of Peace Day Japan, and board member of the PEACE DAY Foundation, among others. Film producer. Graduated from Beloit College with a degree in economics. In 2002, he founded United People Inc. to solve the world’s problems. He is also the operator of the fundraising website “I Kokoro!” and managed “Shomei TV”. In 2009, he started a movie business. In 2011, he started to promote the United Nations International Day of Peace (Peace Day) in Japan. In 2014, he started “cinemo,” a website that allows anyone to organize film screenings on social issues and SDGs themes. year and lived in Costa Rica, which is attracting attention as an ideal nation in the 21st century. Producer of the film “Mottainai Kitchen”. He opened the wine business “United People Wine” on Peace Day, September 21, 2021.